Trish Robichaud Coaching


The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.
– Stephen Covey, Author

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I don’t believe in balance because it’s not sustainable. There will always be issues or events that will pop up to throw you off-balance.

Instead I’ll teach you how to plan what I call your work-life balance formula. In my experience, every one of us has an optimal formula for including work with life with a disability. The formula is fluid as it changes day to day, season to season, year to year.

How do you manage your balance formula?

How well is your work currently honouring and accommodating your life?

Are you constantly distracted by the obstacles thrown in your way?  Or have you completely lost your forward momentum? What if you don’t even know which direction is forward anymore?  What if you have a condition that doesn’t even let you choose movement?

Everyone needs support in this crazy life.  Trust me, I know all about the chaos that life can toss your way. 

Managing my own balance formula over many decades now has given me insight, empathy and a deep love of people. 

This makes me uniquely suited to help you navigate the pain, frustration and satisfaction of dialing into your best life.  

Living with multiple sclerosis, heart disease, and bipolar disorder, I’ve had to learn to accept my limitations and build a new way of living and earning an income.  

They say that when you lose one sense, you become far more finely tuned into your  other senses.


The truth is, I was blessed with a big mouth and that has become my gift to the world!  I developed an insane will-power for pushing forward and am now the owner and founder of Changing Paces.  I am also a Work-Life Balance Coach, Accessibility Compliance Expert & Motivational Speaker!

I work with clients who are looking to gain that same balance in their lives; whether it’s accepting their health diagnosis or reducing fear and stress in response to challenges.  I can help you identify unhelpful habits and offer solutions on how to beat them.  Stable income starts with well-being, and well-being starts with taking the time to care for yourself.  Work-Life Balance Coaching can help you plan your business and life goals, build your self-esteem and confidence, identify opportunities for personal and professional  development and so much more.

Making life a success for struggling entrepreneurs has been my passion for over two decades, especially if health issues are impeding on that success.

Do you have a fire that still burns within, a determination to make things better for yourself and for the  world, but you don’t know where to start?

That’s where I come in.  I help clients who don’t know what their next step is!

Learning to live and work with a disability is a complex issue that can be simplified with work-life balance  coaching.  I offer concrete solutions that  can help you grow and gain personal strength, so that you can take charge of your work and life to show the world exactly what you’re made of!

If you need support for your business or personal goals, schedule a free consultation (30 Mins) with me and let’s talk about balance and bringing back your power. 

Trish Robichaud

Work-Life Balance Coach

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