Trish Robichaud Coaching

Business Coaching

Who, exactly, seeks out a coach? If you ask a coach the answer is usually the same: Winners who want even more out of life..
– Chicago Tribune

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It takes a strong person to become an entrepreneur.  Your  business is born out of blood, sweat and tears, and a huge dose of passion.  Long hours and a lot of money goes into a new venture, and a lot more goes into sustaining and helping the business grow.

But sometimes, passion is not enough, especially if disability or a chronic health condition are part of the formula. Lack of knowledge, motivation, uncertainty and indecisiveness can come into play and stunt your business growth. Not to mention the occasional flare-up with your health.

As a business coach, I can offer custom solutions to help you build and grow your business one step at a time, while honouring and accommodating your health along  the way. The primary objective is to build you a stable income stream that keeps you afloat when your health is rocking the boat.

Hi! My name is Trish Robichaud, and I am a Business Coach and the owner and founder of Changing Paces.  I am also a Work/Life Balance Coach, Accessibility Compliance Expert & Motivational Speaker!  I’ve learned to live and work with multiple sclerosis, heart disease and bipolar disorder.  I have a particular interest in helping entrepreneurs craft their messaging, build a brand, establish a web presence and create a lead generation system.

We have a 3-step approach that includes work on your well-being, optimizing automation in your business and establishing a vision for your future that feeds your drive and focus.

By zeroing in on specific business goals and a vision of your success, we can  develop a personalized growth plan for your operation.  Your success is truly my success and I can’t wait to see what you bring to the world!

If you need support for your business goals, schedule a free consultation (30 Mins) with me and let’s talk about how we can make this your best year yet.

Trish Robichaud

Business Coach

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